Tuesday, September 29, 2009

If we die in dreams...

"If we die in our dreams, do we die in real life?" Ahh, one of the age old questions dating back to, umm, a while ago I guess. I've known people that believe that you will die if you die in your dreams. I'm not sure how they tested their hypothesis (woo, 25cent word there). Other people have said that you will not die. That's a little easier direction for testing.

The thought makes me think of the Matrix movies. "If we die in here, do we die in real life?" (Or something to that effect). Thanks to Lawrence Fishburne, he tells us that "the mind cannot live without the body". I realize that "the matrix" isn't really a dream (and yes, I get the whole Hollywood movie stuff), but it's still interesting.

Then I think back to the early 80's (late 70's?), of a movie called Dreamscape. At least, I think it was called Dreamscape. Someone better check me on that one... Anyway, it has Dennis Quaid starring in it. It's about being able to "jump" into another person's dream and experience it with them. Good movie by the way. They played around with the idea of killing someone in their dream actually killing the person in real life. Again, the whole Hollywood stuff, but...

Anyway, I'm rambling. (Mwa ha ha). I remember actually having been able to test this whole theory once. There was this one time, in band camp... (oops, wrong area).

No, actually, it was in band camp. I was approaching my senior year in high school, and the marching band went to a resort called Iron Mountain. This was a few months after the movie "Red Dawn" was released. Of course, me and some buddies were really into that movie, and we were big on getting camo'd up, and nuking everything. But there was this one night, I kept having the same dream over and over.

Me and my buddies were the "wolverines", shooting all the bad guys in the mountains. We always eventually got captured. I specifically remember the leader of the bad guys walking up to me, sticking the gun to my head, and pulling the trigger. I remember seeing red, and dropping. At that point I woke up.

Now, I guess some people could say that I woke up "before" I actually died in my dream. But hey, it was my dream, and I can spin it any way I want to ;;stomps foot;;. I was dead meat.

So as far as I am concerned, go crazy in your dreams. That way you can wake up with the thought, "What the heck was that all about?"... and then go back to sleep and try it again.


  1. Love, love, love the thought of you being a wolverine... mwa ha ha ha...

    Seriously though, I have had dreams of falling from the sky and actually hitting the ground. Hard. I always woke up! I agree, try to do whatever you like in your dreams.

  2. almost forgot..it was 1984 when the movie came out, you've been checked!
