Wednesday, September 30, 2009

The humor of the seat belt

Ok, how many of you have done this...

You're driving along, whether it's day or night is irrelevant, but you just aren't in the mood for the seatbelt. It's too hot, too uncomfortable, and you're only just going around the corner anyway.

Suddenly, you see the cop car. Just as if someone had lit a match under your bum, you suddenly start flopping around, dropping your cell phone, putting the coffee cup back in the holder, etc. Finally you find the seatbelt, whip it across, and buckle it in.

I know you've done this. You can't fool me. Heck, I may have even done it before, but I HIGHLY doubt it... cough.

Anyway, have you ever thought about what the cop is thinking at the time?

I'll tell you. For the most part, we are laughing our arses off. We're laughing because it's hilarious watching people trying to look calm and cool while doing it, yet knowing that your heart rate probably just kicked up a few notches. But it's also funny because people think that since they "now" have the seat belt on, there's nothing we can do. Some people even give us that smug little smile as they pass us.

Poor, poor people. "Sign here. Press hard, three copies."

What's even a bit more funny, is after I give them their copy, I'll actually tell them how they "might" be able to avoid it next time.

Here's the secret... If you're driving along without your seatbelt on, and you suddenly see the cop car, "don't" try and put the seatbelt on. We're going to see the sudden movements. Believe it or not, you'll have a better chance if you wait until after you pass the cop car before putting on the seatbelt.

Moral of the story... wear the darn seatbelt. But if you don't want to, that's fine, because I could always use a good laugh.


  1. LMAO... I can tell you with utmost sincerity I never drive anywhere without my seat belt much so that if I don't buckle Ava in as soon as she sits down, she starts throwing a fit about it, needing to be buckled in asap.

    I swear officer...and I always come to a complete stop at all the stop signs...cough,giggle..

  2. I did an informative speech on Reasons Why we Should Wear a Seat belt..I learned a lot during the research. I also included what happened to my step-grandmother who died in a car accident because she wasn't wearing a seat belt. Telling people she was crushed by the vehicle when it it rolled over her didn't sit well with some folks. Personally I wear a seat belt because I feel naked without it. But I would be lying iffn I said I haven't left it off in the past while going less than a mile away. And the increased heart rate when I see a cop? Yep, that happens every time! lol And not only cause he looks sexy in his uniform :-)
